We tell the important stories

We are creators who deliver visual journalism projects in cooperation with both commercial and non-commercial partners. We have over 20 years’ experience and, over that time, have won many prestigious awards.


Life after the earthquake
A series of photographs captures the catastrophic 7.01 Mw magnitude Haiti earthquake, with its epicentre approximately 15 km from the city of Port-au-Prince. The death toll exceeded 200,000, and 1,200,000 people were made homeless. 1st prize, category Reportage +...
About us

Jarmila Štuková
Since 2005, Jarmila has focused on countries impacted by war, poverty, or social problems. She has documented child prostitution in Ethiopia, the life of the socially disadvantaged in Sierra Leone, the Haiti earthquake, acid attacks in India, girls victim to breast ironing in Cameroon, violence against women in Afghanistan, and the war against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, as well as other topics. She also works with respected authors on prevention and photographic campaigns illustrating the life of the disabled, be they Paralympic athletes or burns victims. She has won twelve awards in the Czech Press Photo competition.
We also carry out non-profit projects funded by the Lonely Base association
LONELYBASE z.s. manages non-profit projects in the Czech Republic and abroad. The association is currently engaged in activities associated with burns, primarily via the internet platform, Burn Fighters. It also works with the non-profit organisation, Bolíto, in the area of prevention and assistance to child burns and scalding victims.
